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As if they don't get harassed. As if I didn't spend 10 years in the business getting harassed. Didn't think my voice would get silenced by the #timesup movement, of all things. But it did. — Nicole Alexa Polivka (@napolivka) May 11, 2018 Last week, @TIMESUPAD sent emails out declining the RSVPs of women who have horrific stories to tell. It's time we tell the truth about what is happening inside of agencies, and what WOMEN are doing. #Advertising #timesupad #timesupadvertising — TickTock (@timeisupsister) May 13, 2018 In a Facebook post Sunday night, the organization responded to feedback and apologized. "Sisters, it seems we messed up. Thank you for getting that message to us. The last thing we want to do is exclude people who should be in the room," the post said. "The concerns we are seeing about missing the input of freelancers and people in the ad community who are in-between jobs are more than valid.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://adage.com/article/agency-news/time-s-advertising-messed-excluding-freelancers/313501/